About SMI
- Mar: Inaugural Singapore Maritime Research Conference
- Jan: R&D Workshop on Hull Cleaning
- Nov: SMI Forum 2024: Navigating the Digital and Green Transition for Maritime
- Oct: R&D Workshop on Wind Wind Assisted Propulsion (WAP) Technology
- Aug: Award Presentation for SMI-MaritimeONE Postgraduate Research and Development Scholarships
- Jul: Co-organised the RoboCluster Maritime Robotics & Automation Workshop
- Jul: Funding Award to Singapore Institute of Technology for the Future Ship and System Programme (FSSD)
- Apr: MoU Signing with MPA, SUTD,TalTech and CR14 on Maritime Security R&D
- Feb: SMI Advance 2024
- Nov: SMI Forum 2023: Towards Maritime Net Zero: R&D Pathways to 2030 and Beyond
- Sept: Phase Two Funding for the Centre of Excellence in Maritime Safety
- Feb: SMI Advance 2023
- Jan: Phase Two Funding for the Centre of Excellence in Modelling and Simulation for Next Generation Ports
- Jan: Appointment of New SMI Chairman — Prof Low Teck Seng
- Dec: 3rd Finland-Singapore Maritime Innovation Camp
- Nov: Funding Award to A*STAR Institute of High Performance Computing for the Maritime AI Research Programme
- Oct: MoU Signing between SMI and AI4Diversity
- Oct: SMI Forum 2022: Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence: Sparking the Maritime Sector
- Sept: Phase Two Funding for the Maritime Energy and Sustainable Development Centre of Excellence
- Sept: Funding Award to iTrust at SUTD for the Maritime Testbed of Shipboard Operational Technology (MariOT) System
- Apr: MoU Signing Between SMI and Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE)
- Jan: SMI Webinar: SMI’s Next Lap — Towards a Global Maritime Research, Knowledge and Innovation Hub
- Jan: SMI Advance
- Oct: Renewal of MoU Between SMI and University of Turku, Finland
- Oct: MoU Signing Between SMI and three Maritime AI Partners: Kongsberg Digital AS, RightShip and Wärtsilä Voyage Limited
- Oct: SMI Forum 2021: Maritime Safety in the 4.0 Era: Breaking New Frontiers
- Sep: Appointment of New SMI Executive Director — Mr Tan Cheng Peng
- Jul: SMI Webinar: Artificial Intelligence for Port Applications
- Oct: Reappointment of Mr Wong Weng Sun as the Chairman of SMI Board and Governing Council
- Oct: SMI Forum 2020: Future of Port and Shipping
- Sep: MPA–SMI Joint Call for Proposals on the Electrification of Harbourcraft
- Aug: SMI Webinar: The Role of Digital Twinning for Autonomous and Smart Vessels
- Jun: SMI Webinar: Maritime Safety in a Digital World
- Apr: SMI Webinar: Alternative Fuels for International Shipping
- Jan: 2nd Finland–Singapore Maritime Innovation Camp
- Oct: 2nd SMI International Advisory Panel Meeting 2019
- Oct: Establishment of the Centre of Excellence for Autonomous & Remotely Operated Vessels (CEAOPS)
- Oct: SMI Forum 2019
- Sep: MPA–SMI Joint Workshop on Harbour Craft Electrification
- Jul: Appointment of New SMI Maritime Technology Advisory Panel Members
- Jun: Launch of Maritime R&D Grant Call on Wharf-side Coning and Vessel-side Lashing for Container Terminal Operations
- Apr: Launch of ‘Singapore R&D Roadmap 2030: Maritime Transformation’
- Apr: SMTC R&D Seminar
- Oct: Appointment of New SMI Executive Director — Dr Sanjay C. Kuttan
- Sep: Inaugural Finland–Singapore Maritime Innovation Camp
- Apr: SMI Seminar 2018: Next Generation Maritime Energy
- Apr: SMI Seminar 2017: Augmented Reality & Artificial Intelligence
- Apr: Appointment of New SMI Executive Director — Mr Toh Ah Cheong
- Jan: Appointment of New SMI Maritime Technology Advisory Panel Members
- Jan: Appointment of New SMI Chairman — Mr Wong Weng Sun
- Nov: Memorandum of Understanding between SMI and UTU
- Nov: Joint Workshop with University of Turku (UTU)
- Oct: SMI Forum 2016
- Apr: SMI Seminar 2016: Smart Ships
- Apr: SMI Breakfast Series: Maritime Research Centres of Excellence
- Oct: Inaugural SMI Research Showcase — October 2015
- Jun: Launch of Newly Enhanced SMI Website
- May: Launch of Advanced Materials & Manufacturing R&D Programme
- Apr: Launch of Joint Call for Proposals in Maritime Research between Norway and Singapore
- Apr: SMI Seminar 2015: Automation & Autonomy (Ships & Shipyards)
- Feb: Inaugural SMI Breakfast Series: METB
- Jan: Focus Group on Maritime Data Analytics
- Jan: Appointment of Inaugural SMI Technology Advisory Panel Members
- Dec: Launch of Asset Integrity & Risk Management R&D Programme
- Nov: Launch of Maritime Sustainability R&D Programme
- Nov: MI@NUS Asset Integrity & Risk Management R&D Workshop
- Oct: Overseas Engagement Trip to North Asia and Europe
- Oct: SMI Forum 2014
- Sep: MI@SP Advanced Materials and Manufacturing for Marine & Offshore R&D Workshop
- Jun: MI@NUS Sustainable Management of Marine Fouling R&D Workshop
- Apr: SMI Seminar 2014: Automation & Autonomy
- Mar: Focus Group on Exhaust Emissions Control
- Oct: Announcement of SMI Maritime Fellowship
- Oct: Announcement of Maritime Energy Test Bed
- Oct: SMI Forum 2013
- Oct: 2nd SMI International Advisory Panel Meeting 2013
- Sep: Launch of Simulation & Modelling R&D Programme
- Sep: Industry Workshop for SMI R&D Roadmapping Exercise
- Sep: MI@NUS Maritime Transport & Supply Chain Workshop
- Jun: Overseas Partners Engagement Trip to Europe
- Jun: Focus Group on Ballast Water Management
- May: Launch of Deepwater Technologies R&D Programme
- May: R&D Workshop on Data Analytics & Visualisation
- Mar: R&D Workshop on Green Technology
- Jan: Exercise on SMI R&D Roadmap 2025
- Nov: SMI Forum 2012
- Nov: R&D Workshop on Subsea
- Sep: R&D Workshop on Simulation & Modelling
- Jul: Overseas Partners Engagement Trip to North Asia
- Jun: Launch of Maritime Energy Systems R&D Programme
- Apr: Launch of the Next Generation Container Port Challenge
- Apr: Inaugural SMI International Advisory Panel Meeting 2012
- Apr: R&D Workshop on Deepwater Technologies
- Apr: Formation of the Maritime Institutes @ Institutes of Higher Learning (MI@IHLs)
- Mar: Overseas Partners Engagement Trip to Europe
- Mar: R&D Workshop on Maritime Energy Systems
- Feb: 2nd Meeting of the Governing Council
- Oct: Inaugural SMI Forum 2011
- Aug: Inaugural Meeting of the Governing Council
- Jun–Nov: Infrastructure Consultancy Project
- Jun: Award to Setup New ISC Simulators
- Apr: Workshop Trip to UK
- Apr: Formation of SMI
- Jan: Incorporation of SMI