Welcome Address by Mr SS Teo Chairman of Singapore Maritime Institute (SMI) at the SMI Forum 2015
- Speeches
- October 22, 2015
22 October 2015
The Star Gallery
The Star Performing Arts Centre
Singapore Maritime Institute Board Members
and Governing Council Members
Distinguished Guests
Friends, Ladies and gentlemen,
Good morning,
1 I am delighted to see this gathering of over 200 professionals, researchers, industry and academia leaders at our annual Singapore Maritime Institute (SMI) Forum.
Some background of SMI
2 The annual SMI Forum is in its fifth (5th) edition this year, a significant milestone marking the 5th year since the incorporation of SMI in April 2011. It is thus appropriate for me to do some stock taking and discuss future developments in this Forum.
3 The formation of SMI was announced by Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) Teo Chee Hian at the annual Singapore Shipping Association’s (SSA) 25th Anniversary Gala Dinner in September 2010. As a Whole-of-Government initiative between the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), and the Economic Development Board (EDB), SMI drives the research & development (R&D) activities in both the maritime and offshore sectors to support the industry in Singapore.
4 In collaboration with the industry and IHLs, the mission of SMI is to enhance Singapore’s position as a global maritime knowledge hub through world-class R&D and research manpower development.
Impact of Formation of SMI
5 The Maritime Institute @ Institutes of Higher Learning (MI@IHLs) was established in April 2012. It is instrumental in coordinating a wide spectrum of R&D activities, across various schools and centres within the IHLs. It also created an inclusive structure for deeper involvement and commitment from the IHLs.
6 In 2012, with the aim of enhancing Singapore’s status as a leading hub port, the Next Generation Container Port (NGCP) Challenge with US$1 million cash prize was launched, we received overwhelming response from over 25 countries. The challenge produced innovative concepts for our next port development in Tuas.
7 In October 2013, the SMI R&D Roadmaps were developed over ten months, in close consultation with more than 50 companies locally and overseas. The Roadmaps were also deliberated by a very distinguished International Advisory Panel (IAP) and shared during SMI Forum 2013. The two roadmaps have provided the necessary clarity in strategic R&D focus for both the maritime and offshore sectors. They served as a cornerstone of SMI’s activities going forward.
8 Centred on the key focus areas in the R&D roadmaps, SMI had launched seven (7) grant calls at a total value of $38 million from 2011 to 2015. Through the research funding, SMI promotes collaboration between the industry and academia and advances R&D capabilities in public research institutes. I am delighted to share that SMI has supported 83 industry collaborations. More than 80% of SMI supported projects involve industry participation. SMI has also observed that more researchers from non-traditional disciplines are participating in maritime and offshore research with some looking at cross industry applications. To date, we have more than 280 public sector researchers that participated in SMI R&D initiatives.
9 Through the Whole-of-Government positioning of SMI, various platforms were created to grow the R&D community in Singapore. To the industry and overseas partners, SMI serves as a focal contact point and an umbrella organisation to develop collaboration networks.
Key Highlights of SMI Activities in 2015
10 I would also take this opportunity to share some highlights of SMI’s activities in 2015.
Maritime Energy Test Bed
11 Two years ago, I announced SMI’s support towards the development of the Maritime Energy Test Bed (METB) at NTU. I am pleased to share that the official opening will take place in two weeks’ time on 2 November 2015.
Joint Grant Call between Singapore and Norway
12 Under the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between MPA and the Research Council of Norway, the Joint Grant Call for Maritime Research between Singapore and Norway was launched in April this year. SMI has allocated up to $3 million for Singapore researchers to collaborate with Norwegian research partners.
SMI Projects & Researchers Directory
13 For better outreach and profiling of SMI initiatives, the enhanced SMI website (www.maritimeinstitute.sg) was launched in June this year with new features such as the SMI Projects & Researchers Directory.
14 Users from the industry and overseas research institutions are now able to browse and search the directory on relevant researchers and R&D projects supported by SMI.
15 The new website provides a platform for industry to search and identify suitable researchers for potential collaborations. So please visit the new SMI website if you wish to find a research partner or find out more on public sector research capabilities.
Arctic Circle Singapore Forum
16 As part of SMI’s international outreach efforts, the Arctic Circle Singapore Forum will be jointly organised by SMI and the Arctic Circle.
17 The Forum, to be convened in Singapore on 12 November 2015, will be opened by the President of Iceland Mr Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson and Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) Mr Teo Chee Hian. Discussions will focus on shipping, infrastructure financing, ocean science and research, and global collaboration on Arctic affairs.
Top Projects of SMI Research Showcase October 2015
18 SMI held its inaugural Research Showcase this year from 5 to 9 October at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU), with seventeen (17) shortlisted maritime and offshore research projects. The bi-annual SMI Research Showcase aims to raise the awareness of R&D activities and to recognise research excellence. Through these efforts, we also hope to attract students to maritime and offshore research.
19 Research presentations by the Top Projects are scheduled later this morning along with the Award Presentation of $3,000 cash prize for each project.
Announcement of SMI Awards 2016
20 To recognise the significant contribution and impact that research excellence and talent would bring to the maritime industry, I am happy to announce the inaugural SMI Awards that will take place at the next SMI Forum in 2016. SMI Awards include categories such as ‘Best Researcher of the Year’ and ‘Best Research Project of the Year’. Winners will also be rewarded with $10,000 cash prize.
21 Today, I am pleased to see that we are able to gather a group of industry and academic leaders to share and discuss the Maritime and Offshore R&D in Singapore.
22 We have Mr Andrew Tan, Chief Executive of MPA, to share the Maritime Keynote on ‘Next Generation Port 2030’. Mr Lim Kok Kiang of EDB, Prof Chan Eng Soon of NUS, Mr Douglas Moody of FMC Technologies and Mr Steen-Brodsgaard Lund of DNV GL will be sharing their perspectives in a panel discussion moderated by SMI’s Executive Director Mr Heng Chiang Gnee.
23 Over the past five (5) years, SMI had undertaken major steps to create a vibrant R&D ecosystem for the maritime and offshore sectors. This is only the first step in our journey towards the development of a World Class Maritime Knowledge Hub here in Singapore.
24 The maritime community can and will continue to look forward to exciting developments as SMI looks beyond into its next 5 years. This will be covered under Mr. Heng Chiang Gnee’s presentation and the panel discussion later.
25 I thank all distinguished speakers and panellists in advance for your valuable time and contribution.
26 I will also take this opportunity to express my appreciation to all out-going SMI Governing Council Members for their great support and contributions towards SMI over the past five (5) years.
27 Last but not least, I want to thank the very effective, dedicated and hardworking SMI team led by Mr Heng Chiang Gnee. They have worked tirelessly with limited headcount to promote various SMI initiatives.
28 Thank you all for joining us today and I wish all of you a good and productive session ahead. Thank you.